
Expected Estimate

※ Please review the reference materials only, and proceed with the survey request through the "Survey Inquiry" form.

- Compliance with privacy protection and research ethics during information collection and analysis processes.
- Offers customized services according to survey objectives and requirements.
- Capable of conduction surveys both domestically and internationally.

Survey Information

Number of Questions
5 10 15 20 25
30 35 40 45 50
Target Number of Responses
300 400 500 600 700
800 900 1000
*For other detailed condition settings, please leave an inquiry, and we will get back to you.
Expected Estimate(VAT Excluded)

₩Won (For Sample : ₩Won)

** The estimated cost is excluding VAT.
** The estimate is based on the assumption that there are no screen-outs. Costs may vary depending on thedifficulty of the survey.
** The above estimate is based on the provision of RawData, Table(results table)
** The estimate is based on conducting the survey with our panel and includes the cost of creating a web questionnaire (integration with other web survey tools such as Naver Forms, Google Forms, etc., is not possible).

>> This estimate is for reference only. If you require additional detailed conditions, specific quotas, or have a complex questionnaire, additional costs may apply. Please send the questionnaire and detailed information through the "Inquiry for Survey Estimate" form, and we will send you a quote within 1-2 business days.

** Report and Statistical Consulting Request
** Feasibility of Conducting Overseas Surveys